Lab News
Check back for the cool stuff we are doing this year!
Fall 2024
Stacy gave two invited talks at West Point Military Academy on her work with mathematics learning and the importance of rest periods on college students
Alena Egorova presented on her work with mathematics anxiety at Psychonomics
A collaborative paper has been published in the Journal of Numerical Cognition
Summer 2024
Stacy went to talk at Mathfest about learning science practices in statistics and data science courses
Alena Egorova presented her paper on math anxiety at the 18th Annual International Society of the Learning Sciences conference.
Nellie Rushton and Mikayla Prue join the LS&T REU program for the summer!
May 2024
Stacy led a symposium on Rest at the Association for Psychological Science Conference with Emily Neer (PhD Candidate at UCLA) and Chad Forbes (Florida Atlantic University)
A lab paper demonstrating evidence of the serial order effect in mathematical strategies was published!
March 2024
A new preprint on Undergraduate Student Attitudes and Experiences with Rest is now available!
A paper Stacy collaborated on, published in The Journal of Data Science and Statistics Education is now one of the most-read articles of all time!
January/February 2024
A new article was published investigating students subjective social status in the statistics classroom!
Stacy was interviewed by the New York Times about her role using data analysis to help identify student stressors during the mental health crisis at WPI during the 2021-2022 school year
December 2023
A paper Stacy collaborated on, published in Educational Psychologist, is now one of the most-read articles of all time!
Summer 2023
Paul Pacheco is on his way to teach high school Biology and was featured in the local news! We'll miss you, Paul!
Aaron Haim has published and presented his research on reproducibility and open science in the learning sciences at AIED, Learning @ Scale (see also here), LAK, as well as EDM.
REU students Emily Rostkowski (UConn) and Nellie Rushton (Stanford) have joined the lab to conduct research on statistics learning! Welcome Emily and Nellie!
Stacy gave a talk to Girls Who Talk Math @ WPI about the importance of break periods for mathematical cognition.
A 2023 paper Stacy collaborated on in the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education is now one of their most-read articles of all time.
April 2023
Andrew and Paul successfully completed their master's degrees. Congratulations!
Mikayla Prue has joined the lab as an undergraduate RA to work on a registered report. Welcome, Mikayla!
March 2023
A paper Stacy collaborated on about math anxiety was used in the National Council of Teachers in Mathematics' new stance on Procedural Flexibility in Math
Paul received an honorable mention for the Ford Fellowship, congratulations!
Aaron and Stacy hosted a workshop for the Center for Open Science's educational unconference on licensing and copyright (see the video here)
Aaron and Stacy hosted an open science workshop at Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference.
Kirk, Andrew, Ashish, and Aaron published and presented three papers at LAK!
Aaron's paper was nominated for best paper at LAK, congratulations!
October 2022
A new article was published in the Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice
September 2022
A new article was published in Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
Congratulations to Paul Pacheco for being awarded an Honorary Undergraduate Scholar (HUS) Award awarded by the New England Psychological Association!
July 2022
Stacy is a part of a research team that was awarded an IES grant to replicate interleaving findings in mathematics
June 2022
Chayanne's research with Dr. Craig Wills was featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education
A new article was published in the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education
WPI has awarded the CEDAR lab and collaborators with a diversity seed grant to study experiences of rest among transfer students, international students, and first-generation college students at WPI.
April 2022
Congratulations to Paul for an Honorable Mention for the 2022 WPI Provost Award for his honor's thesis on math anxiety and timed exams!
Congratulations to Vy Ngo for a successful Master's Thesis presentation!
October 2021-- Stacy was awarded a Women's Young Investigator Fellowship presented by the Women's Impact Network at WPI.
September 2021-- Stacy was on a critical conversations panel on Science & Creativity for WPI’s Arts and Sciences week, talking about the role of creativity in arts and science. Click here for a recap of the event!
August 2021
Alena Egorova, Andrew McReynolds, and Kirk Vanacore join the CEDAR lab as incoming Ph.D. graduate students! Welcome!
Stacy is a part of a research team that was collectively awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to study common errors students make on short-answer math questions. (PI - Andrew Lan, MIT, $374,775; Co-PI Neil Heffernan, Co-PI Stacy Shaw, WPI, $239,307; PI- Cristina Heffernan, ASSITments Foundation, $235,639).
June 2021 -- Chayanne joins the CEDAR Lab as Lab Manager, welcome!
April 2021 -- Stacy participated in the faculty lightning talks for WPI’s Arts and Science Week, a recording can be found here.